Modern Muse - Jessie De Lowe

Jessie De Lowe

I met Jessie De Lowe on a photoshoot during the height of the pandemic. She had just relocated to Montecito with her sweet young family. We kept running into each other around town with an intention to create and talk about projects. Fast forward to last month, we finally made the time (in perfect time) to deep dive.

For me it’s been over two decades asking questions about manifestation, mindfulness and the power of our subconscious mind. Over the last few years these types of questions have entered the main stream. So many healers, gurus, coaches, experts, self-proclaimed guides have flooded our feeds. In some ways it’s exciting to see such a growing interest in self development. But one of the most important sentences I heard in my first self-help audio series was: who do you listen to?

When we are stuck or hurting or vulnerable it’s so easy to seek a savior without a ton of investigating. What is this person’s background? Where do they get their wisdom? Are they credible? What’s their track record? And most importantly, are they truly happy and how are they living when they are not selling a service? I think we can learn from any situation, but at a certain point deep diving and wanting to find medicine in every life event is insanity. Maybe our precious life is better spent focusing on the things that are in our control and bring us joy.

I knew Jessie’s platform was a source of inspiration for many. I respected her integrity and lifestyle. But I didn’t know her full background until we sat down for this interview. I am a firm believer in responsibility. While the world wants to put blame on everything external, I think taking responsibility is what moves the needle. And when you go deep and pay attention, you’ll find that the people that have created their dream life did not get there by accident.

Successful and happy people (consciously or unconsciously) are disciplined in how they choose to feel and interpret reality. They are people who have created and continue to create a life that makes them happy. Jessie is definitely somebody I want to listen to!

Jessie’s Favorites

RITUAL moving my body in nature, savoring my angelic family any chance I get, candles + palo santo lit all day long, cooking with organic ingredients from local farms with the windows open and music playing, bath + magnesium tea before bed 

FRUIT OR MEAL a perfectly ripe mango or juicy fig when in season also Persian rose ice cream 

AUTHOR Murakami & anything in the spiritual / psychology / metaphysical aisle

FILM The Talented Mr. Ripley, Vicky Christina Barcelona 

ARTIST OR INSPIRER Mother Nature, and my mom is an amazing chef that inspires me with her creativity + passion in the kitchen 

SONG Sueño Nómade

QUOTE madly forever - inscribed in our wedding bands as a reminder to always keep it hot

PLACE OR MEMORY Palaces in India. Brian proposing to me under the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. The indescribable vibe at Sunset surf in Costa Rica. Conceiving Amelie in Positano and Lucia in Kauai. The birth of my beautiful children!! 

Learn more about Jessie at & follow @jessiedelowe.